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Survival Spanish Part 5: Taking a taxi

So you're traveling to Latin America or Spain soon and you need to know some basic phrases in Spanish to help get you by! We'll go through a quick primer on survival Spanish to help you on your way! This tutorial will help you with Spanish when you take a taxi.

We covered vocabulary for travelling in a previous lesson so you may want to review that first. If you remember the vocabulary from that lesson, then let's start with some new vocabulary for when you take a taxi:

taxitaximasculine noun
parada de taxistaxi stand
tarifafare, rate, tarifffeminine noun
tarifa del taxitaxi fare
reciboreceiptmasculine noun
pararto stop
parestopgood for asking the taxi driver to stop
lado derechoright side
lado izquierdoleft side
girarto turn, to spin
alto the

Great! Once you have mastered the basic vocabulary above, let's start with some Spanish phrases for when you take a taxi:

Where is the taxi stand?¿Dónde está la parada de taxis?
Stop here, please.Pare aquí, por favor.
The hotel is in front.El hotel está frente.
The restaurant is behind.El restaurante está detrás.
Right side, please.Lado derecho, por favor.
Turn to the right, please.Gire a la derecha, por favor.gire is the third person singular for the verb girar (to spin, to turn) in the present of imperative mood (used when giving orders)
Turn to the left, please.Gire a la izquierda, por favor.
To the airport, please.Al aeropuerto, por favor.
To the hotel, please.Al hotel, por favor.
A receipt, please.Un recibo, por favor.
How much does it cost?.¿Cuánto cuesta?

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