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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between a trial lesson and a regular lesson on your website?

You can try a 25 minute trial with one of our tutors (free of charge, no commitments) before you opt to purchase a regular 50 minute lesson with our tutor. The trial lesson will give you a chance to experience a lesson with our tutor and to evaluate our tutor's teaching style and the quality of the Skype or Zoom connection. If the trial lesson goes well for you, you can choose to buy a regular lesson thereafter. A trial lesson is 25 minutes long and is half the length of a regular lesson at 50 minutes.

2. How can I purchase a regular lesson?

How PayPal Works
Our website uses PayPal to accept payment. You can use either your PayPal account or your credit card to purchase lessons. If you decide to use a credit card, PayPal's website also accepts credit card payment (there is no need to open a PayPal account for credit card users). For details on how to purchase a 50 minute lesson, please click here.
Stripe has also been added as a payment gateway now. Your credit card transaction will be done at Stripe's website.

3. What is your policy on refunds?

If you did not spend any of your credits, you can obtain a full refund within 30 days of your purchase. If you have already spent some of your credits within 30 days of your purchase, we can offer you a prorated refund instead. To claim your refund, please contact us at info@topspanish.com within 30 days of your credit purchase.

4. If I buy a lesson package, when will it expire?

In order to book a lesson, you need to purchase "credits" first. Upon purchasing credits, your credits will expire within one year. One year should give you plenty of time to book your lesson(s) on our website and to spend your credits (some other Spanish tutoring sites give you as few as 30 days before your credits expire).

5. Does your website store my financial information?

No. Our website uses PayPal as a payment gateway. Whatever financial information you submit to PayPal, like your credit card information, will stay with PayPal. If you use Stripe as the payment gateway, whatever financial information you submit to Stripe, like your credit card information, will stay with Stripe.

6. What are credits on your website?

If you have purchased a multiple lesson package, credits on our website will allow you to change to a different tutor. Simply book a lesson with a another tutor and our website will automatically deduct the credits accordingly. We calculate the amount of credits required for a lesson with a tutor as the price of a single lesson with that tutor, multiplied by 10. Your credits also expire in one year, which should give you plenty of time to use your credits. In the case that you are short some credits for a single lesson with a tutor, a "Top Up" button will appear on your account so that you can top up enough credits for a single lesson with that tutor.

7. What if I need help preparing for my Spanish exam?

Yes. Some of our tutors have experience preparing students to take the DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) and SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) exams. On the tutor's profile, look for the DELE/Test prep and SIELE/Test prep logo. For help with your other Spanish exams, you take a picture or scan your study material, send it to our tutor and have him/her help you with your exam preparation.

8. What about lessons for children?

Yes. Some of our tutors are great with teaching children. On the tutor's profile, look for the Children/Teenagers logo. If you have detailed questions about which of our tutors are best with children, please email us at info@topspanish.com.

9. What if I want to improve my business Spanish?

You can ask our tutor to focus on business Spanish during your lesson. Feel free to also ask about typical business practices from our tutor's home country and typical culture/practices in his/her country. On the tutor's profile, look for the Business logo.

10. What is the difference between a live Spanish tutor versus using software tutorial to learn Spanish?

We believe Spanish has its own complexities and idiosyncrasies that a software tutorial simply cannot cover. There are variations in sentence structure, phrasing, vocabulary, and idioms in the Spanish language that software tutorials do not cover very well. Since you are learning Spanish to communicate to another human being, we believe you are best served by learning with a live tutor.

11. How can I find my Skype Name when I register my account?

Please read our tutorial on how you can find your Skype Name.

12. How can I find my Zoom Account E-mail Address when I register my account?

Please read our tutorial on how you can find your Zoom Account E-mail Address.